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Turkish Apple WholesalePin

Turkish Apple Wholesale

Does eating apples every day keep you healthy? The apple, a fruit that can be grown almost anywhere around the world, has many health benefits. This fruit, which contains photochemicals such as chlorogenic acid, quercetin, catechin, anthocyanin, contains fiber and is rich in vitamin C, can be eaten both fresh and used in meals and desserts. If you want to buy apples wholesale from Turkey, you can contact us by filling out the form below the content. We can help you every step of the way with your import from Turkey, which is at the top of fruit exports.

One medium apple contains about 100 calories, 21 grams of natural sugar, 1 gram of protein, 0 grams of fat, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fiber. Apple, which contains flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects such as pectin and quercetin, helps prevent constipation and cholesterol. Pectin is a type of fiber that may play a role in preventing intestinal disorders, some cancers, and several different chronic diseases.

Rich nutrients are usually found in the peel of apples. If you want to benefit from flavonoids and fiber, you should not peel the skin of the apple and squeeze the juice from the apple. Drying the apple largely destroys the vitamin C in the fruit. By purchasing wholesale apples from Turkey, you can obtain the most juicy, delicious and organic apples, allowing you to reach the maximum flavor.

How to Clean an Apple?

Apples are one of the fruits that insects and worms love. For this reason, pesticides are used both in the field and after harvest. Pesticide used to protect fruits can be harmful to human health. There are simple ways to remove pesticide from apple peel. You should thoroughly wash all fruits, whether organic or not, with clean water. Hard fruits such as apples can be cleaned with a clean brush.

Baking soda can be used to destroy pesticide residues and bacteria. You can get rid of harmful substances by keeping the apples in the solution to be created with 2 glasses of water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. You should then rinse the apples thoroughly. Remember, the benefits of fruits and vegetables outweigh the potential pesticide risks.

How to Store Apples?

Apple can last without spoiling when stored under suitable conditions. In order to prolong the freshness of the apple, it is necessary to store it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. The refrigerator can keep apples fresh for up to 2 months. As a climacteric fruit, apple continues to ripen after harvest. Ethylene production and thus ripening are slowed down when stored in the cold.

When stored at room temperature, apples will last for a maximum of 2 weeks, but may experience a change in texture and taste during this time. The best Turkish apples are planted, harvested, stored and shipped properly for health. When you import apples from Turkey, the product you will receive will be of top quality and fresh.

Apple, which has close to 100 species, can be used both to consume fresh, to make juice, and to bake and cook. There is a wide variety of fruit types, from sour to sweet.

Apple Juice

Apple juice is obtained by filtering and pasteurizing the juice after a physical process that separates the solid and liquid substances of the apple. Usually little sugar is added and bitter and sour flavors are filtered out by filtration. The result is clear, sweet and delicious apple juice. Turkey also produces first-class beverages such as apple juice, apple tea, cider and apple cider vinegar.

Turkish Apple Brands

Farming in Turkey is carried out by local farmers and the fruits and vegetables grown in the fields in the villages. Farmers sell their products to wholesalers, and wholesalers load the products on trucks and send them all over Turkey and the world. All grown fruits and vegetables are inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and certified by the Turkish Food Codex. Apple growers in Turkey export high quality and organic apples to the whole world. Turkey is among the world’s largest apple producers. Other countries are Poland, China, USA and Italy.

No matter where you are in the world, you can buy high quality fresh apples with Turkey apple wholesale. We can help you at all stages of shopping, provide critical information you need to know, and answer your questions. We can get prices from fruit producers in every region of Turkey and make the import process easier for you. You can contact us by filling out the contact form below to import wholesale apples from Turkey.

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